Elizabeth Olsen is sultry as Scarlet Witch as she shoots explosive Avengers scenes alongside Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Quicksilver

Elizabeth Olsen was seen in character on the Italian set of the Marvel movie, and her battered outfit certainly makes clear Scarlet Witch is in for one big fight.

Her long dark hair was worn over her shoulders while smokey eye make-up gave her a gothic look as chaos and crumbling buildings lay around her.

As the camera rolled, Elisabeth held her arms to the sky for the Scarlet Witch has the mutant power to perform hexes via hand gestures which can create fire, contain or remove air from a particular volume, deflect objects, stop the momentum of projectiles, open doors, explode objects, create force fields and deflect magical attacks.

Olsen was on set with Aaron Taylor-Johnson who plays her twin brother Pietro Maximoff, AKA Quicksilver.

Wreaking havoc: Olsen looks sinister as buildings crumble around her

Stunning scenery: The movie is currently shooting in Aosta, Italy against a backdrop of the Italian Alps

Running scared: Jeremy Renner reprises his role as Hawkeye in the sequel

Dark haired beauty: The acclaimed actress looked ethereal in her red jacket, ripped socks and smokey eye make-up

She’s got the power: Olsen’s character appeared to be summoning higher powers

His hair was dyed the platinum blonde of his Marvel alter-ego and there’s no surprise Quicksilver’s costume consists of tight running gear, as his mutant ability is being able to move at supersonic speeds.

Jeremy Renner, who reprises his role as master archer Hawkeye, was also on set, showing off his muscular frame in a padded vest and buckled trousers.

The S.H.I.E.L.D agent appeared to be leading Olsen and a number of characters down the steps of a crumbling building at one point in the scene, while Taylor-Johnson shot one scene where the ground was splintering from underneath his feet.

Back with the bow: Jeremy Renner showed off his impressive biceps in the Italian sun

Making his debut: Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Quicksilver, the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch

Burning city: Olsen (left) and Jeremy Renner (right) continue to film amid rubble and fire

Magical powers: The character of the Scarlet Witch first appeared in the X-Men comic books

Despite the Aosta set in Italy being specially set up to provide the perfect setting, much of the backdrop and special effects are usually added after the film’s shoot.

Several actors stood around wearing motion capture suits, which picks up movement information from the wearer to animate digital character models in 2D or 3D computer animation in real-time live action sequences.

Performance capture is slightly different and is what is used by the special effects team to bring to life Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man and James Spader as Ultron.

Mighty CGI: The actors on set wore CGI suits for the special effects

Breaking out: One scene featured Aaron Taylor Johnson (centre) amid the ground caving in

The performance capture team uses markers not just on special suits but also draws spots on the actor’s face to pick up every facial expression, gesture and movement to animate the digital model of their mutant alter-ego.

Speaking about the preparation for the role, Spader told Inquirer Entertainment: ‘They take very extensive photographs, head scans, body scans, and all kinds of things in preparation for figuring out how the hell I’m gonna fit in this Ultron character!’

But for filming live action scenes, a stand-in wearing the top half of Ultron’s suit gives the actors and cameras a point of reference to where the villain will be situated in each scene.

The digital version of Ultron will then be added in post-production.

Run like the wind: Taylor-Johnson’s character Quicksilver is known for his speed

Go go go: The star looked like he was trying really hard to run as fast as possible

Last minute adjustments: A costume assistant ensured the star’s costume was suitably placed for her scene

New challenge: Olsen has said her character is ‘crazy’ and unbelievable’

Along with Renner, Robert Downey Jr reprises his role of Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson is back as the Black Widow, Chris Evans is joint Avengers leader Captain America, Mark Ruffalo plays The Hulk and Samuel L Jackson is director of S.H.I.E.L.D Nick Fury.

Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver are orphan twins who in the comic books look to The Avengers after escaping the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants headed by Magneto, who features in the X Men franchise.

Overturned: The vehicle was lying on its side with a group of men wearing the special suits on hand for filming

Quiet on set: Extras and men in CGI suits milled around during a break in proceedings

Taking the fall: Taylor-Johnson appeared to be practising to fall on a pile of rocks in one scene

Excitement: Olsen said she was looking forward to exploring the psychology behind the character

‘There’s years – over 50 years – of backstory on him all there to use, and I like doing that,’ Taylor-Johnson told Total Film. ‘Him and his sister [Scarlet Witch] have been abandoned by their parents and their father, and they grew up in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for themselves and each other.

‘His sister really is his guidance – emotionally she’s the one who looks after him, and vice versa. He’s very overprotective physically – he doesn’t want anyone touching her.’

Meanwhile, Olsen has been equally excited about getting stuck in to the role of a character who possesses telekinetic abilities and can weave hexes.

Ultron: Dressed from the waist up like the villainous robot, a stand-in for James Spader gives the actors a reference point for the action scenes

Robotic: The new movie sees the gang of superheroes battling a new foe

Not that scary: Seeing the character with trainers and gloves on makes him look less scary

‘She’s crazy,’ she told Ain’t It Cool. ‘She has more things wrong with her than any character I’ve ever played.

‘She can tell you where an object has been, she can tell you what your future is, she can connect with the dead and people from the past, the future, other universes, and she’s the only person in this universe who’s capable of doing that.

‘I grew up loving Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings, and anything that has another type of world or universe aspect to it is so fun.’

All action: Taylor-Johnson was involved in the sequence where dirt and rocks appeared to be pumped over him

Star studded: There was no sign of the rest of the celebrity packed cast on the set

Major leak: Fire, cracks in the ground and a huge plume of water contributed to the action

Not a comic book fan, Olsen said she was interested in exploring Scarlet Witch’s  psychological side.

‘It’s so funny because I’m often talking about all these psychologically damaged people, but when you talk about Scarlet Witch… She is a messed up lady,’ she told Moviefone.  She has got more s**t to deal with than anybody else I know.

‘I’m excited to figure out what’s appropriate to use for her, because there’s so much material from all of these decades, and we’re going to tell this one story. So to be able to choose what you’re going to bring into it from all of this abundance, it’s really fun.’

Down to the roots: Taylor-Johnson’s hair was bleached bright blond

Hunky Aaron: The star bent down and stumbled over a pile of fake rocks

Don’t shoot! Jeremy Renner aims a bow and arrow at the ground while Elizabeth hides behind a newspaper

Bird’s eye view: The stars were pictured from above during the dramatic scene

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