Brit quits office job to sell sexy snaps online

A British model decided to change career – and it proved to be a very lucrative decision. This year, she’s on track to earn £1 million from racy OnlyFans snaps.

A British model gave up her 9-5 job to pursue a very different career.

Olivia Blanco started selling saucy snaps on adults-only subscription platform OnlyFans.

This venture has allowed her to relocate to Miami, Florida, and it’s proven very lucrative too.

She revealed: “I used to dread Monday mornings.

“I was always late for work, and my job – which was a boring office role in the business sector – was making me feel really depressed all the time.

“But business has been booming, and put it this way – I’ll be a millionaire before long if I manage to keep up all these $100,000 (around £75,000) months I’ve been having during the lockdown months.”

Olivia believes her British accent has helped her to make a name for herself in the US.

It’s also allowed her to make more money – as fans ask her to talk to them in her Sєxy accent.

She said: “Fans from the USA love my accent.

“They usually ask me for custom videos that have me talking to them like a Brit.”

In return for this content, the bombshell’s followers lavish her with gifts.

She said: “Fans have sent me so many gifts new iPhones, bags, shoes, to jewellery.”

The financial perks aren’t the only reason why Olivia’s glad she’s changed careers.

She also enjoys working for herself as it’s given her more freedom.

The model explained: “Working on OnlyFans is definitely empowering.

“I went from being a shy people-pleaser, to doing whatever I damn well please.”

Olivia’s career has also given her plenty of choice when it comes to male admirers too.

She said: “I’ve even been proposed to by a sheikh, but he was asking for too much loyalty way too soon.

“Like, calm down love.”

Even though Olivia is “single”, she says she’s “ready to mingle” for the right guy who comes along.

She admitted: “I want a guy who can make me giggle. A real belly laugh – I’m a sucker for a funny guy.”

But most importantly, any potential suitor needs to be cool about her new lucrative line of work.

“What I really need is an OnlyFans boyfriend,” she added.

“Somebody who can hold the camera, basically.”

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