‘They are gluing my a**!’: Kim Kardashian’s glam squad used WIG TAPE to stick ripped latex to her butt amid fashion emergency at business conference

Kim Kardashian suffered a bizarre fashion emergency when her latex pants ripped and were stuck to her behind in the new episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians.

The 42-year-old – who broke her silence on the Hamas attacks – was in Miami for iConnections Global Alts 2023 convention.to discuss her new company Skky Partners, which she explained is, ‘my private equity fund’ that she came to the conference to speak about.

Before taking the stage, though she learned her incredibly tight latex pants had ripped, causing her ‘whole butt’ to be out… which required a quick and simple fix.

Kim is seen being introduced to Tim Seides, founder of Capital Allocators and Rahul Moodgal, partner at Parvus Asset Management by iConnections CEO Bob Biscardi.

‘Tim and Rahul are on our advisory board and are legends in the industry,’ Bob tells Kim.

Wardrobe mishap: Kim Kardashian suffered a bizarre fashion emergency when her latex pants ripped and were stuck to her behind in the new episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians

Conference: Convention: The 42-year-old was in Miami for iConnections Global Alts 2023 convention.to discuss her new company Skky Partners, which she explained is, ‘ my private equity fund’ that she came to the conference to speak about

Whole butt: Before taking the stage, though she learned her incredibly tight latex pants had ripped, causing her ‘whole butt’ to be out… which required a quick and simple fix

Rahul asks how Skky Partners (which Kim co-founded with Jay Sammons in September 2022) how it’s been going, and Kim says, ‘It’s been amazing.’

‘I love starting something and learning a lot about it. It’s been fun to really focus on this,’ Kim tells Tim and Rahul.

Kim adds in confession, ‘What is portrayed of me may be fashion events or glitzy glam things or my Instagram which is just traveling in bikinis or whatever, but I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I mean that is like my specialty.’

Tim asks, ‘how far along’ the company is, and Kim says, ‘We are just starting the fundraising process, but the amount of outreach that’s come our way, we’ve had to like hire people to (process it).’

Kim adds in confession, ‘Most of the time, what I really do in my life is gonna bore the s**t out of you regular customers, and that is private equity funds, that is meetings about my pre-IPO and SKIMS, but today just feels like pure chaos.’

Before Kim takes the stage, she’s heard saying, ‘Alright I’m gonna walk out. So if I sit, hopefully it’ll be fine.’

She is seen talking on the phone and saying, ‘My pair of pants, I only have one pair of pants and they’re latex and I’m gonna send you a picture, my whole f***ing a** is out.’

Kim is in confession, asking a producer, ‘Are we using when my pants rip?’ The producer immediately says yes,’ as they show video of Kim showing her ripped latex pants.

Amazing: Rahul asks how Skky Partners (which Kim co-founded with Jay Sammons in September 2022) how it’s been going, and Kim says, ‘It’s been amazing’

Specialty: Kim adds in confession, ‘What is portrayed of me may be fashion events or glitzy glam things or my Instagram which is just traveling in bikinis or whatever, but I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I mean that is like my specialty’

Using: Kim is in confession, asking a producer, ‘Are we using when my pants rip?’ The producer immediately says yes,’ as they show video of Kim showing her ripped latex pants

One pair: She is seen talking on the phone and saying, ‘My pair of pants, I only have one pair of pants and they’re latex and I’m gonna send you a picture, my whole f***ing a** is out’

She adds on the phone, ‘My whole a** is out. We glued them to my butt. Oh wait, s**t, I have my mic on.’

Kim says in confession, ‘My hand goes through the latex pants and completely rips the pants. I am freaking the f**k out. This is a serious, serious, serious business thing and already I’m like, ooh I’m pushing it with the latex leggings but my thing is like I want to be me.’

They show footage of Kim’s business partner Tracy Romulus and her hairstylist Chris Appleton, as Kim says, ‘trying to glue it back on me.’

Tracy can’t stop laughing as Kim adds, ‘They’re gluing my ass. I only have one outfit and my conference starts in 20 minutes and I have to sit there for 3 hours. I can’t bend down. They’re sticking tape on my ass.’

She is seen on stage with the other businessmen as she adds in confession, ‘Please God do not rip anymore or I’m like f***ed.’

After the event, she tells some people it was a ‘fashion emergency,’ and she shows a video of her pants to producers in confession.y

‘My whole butt is out. I’ve never seen pants like this. I mean, literally, it’s like my handprint. I don’t know if it’s gonna like rip to the front and have it like open,’ Kim says in confession.

The video shows Kim trying to rip the pieces of latex off, stating, ‘It’s stuck to my f***ing ass,’ and she gasps when she tries to pull it off, adding, ‘It hurts so bad.’

Mic on: She adds on the phone, ‘My whole a** is out. We glued them to my butt. Oh wait, s**t, I have my mic on’

Glue: They show footage of Kim’s business partner Tracy Romulus and her hairstylist Chris Appleton, as Kim says, ‘trying to glue it back on me’

One outfit: Tracy can’t stop laughing as Kim adds, ‘They’re gluing my ass. I only have one outfit and my conference starts in 20 minutes and I have to sit there for 3 hours. I can’t bend down. They’re sticking tape on my ass’

Rips: Kim says in confession, ‘My hand goes through the latex pants and completely rips the pants. I am freaking the f**k out. This is a serious, serious, serious business thing and already I’m like, ooh I’m pushing it with the latex leggings but my thing is like I want to be me’

Gluing: Tracy can’t stop laughing as Kim adds, ‘They’re gluing my ass. I only have one outfit and my conference starts in 20 minutes and I have to sit there for 3 hours. I can’t bend down. They’re sticking tape on my ass’

She adds in confession, ‘But I cannot be late for the talk, because that’s why I’m here, and thank God my blazer was long, because I had no other options.

She’s seen putting the blazer on, covering her behind, before she heads out on stage with the other businessmen.

‘Like I was so scared they were gonna keep on ripping. I just was dying inside, sitting up on stage, like feeling a breeze like in my a**.’

Rob says on stage that Kim has, ‘always been an entrepreneur since you were a teenager,’ adding her first deals were ‘in a licensing structure.’

‘Yeah, I think early on in my career, there was no real blueprint of where I wanted to go, so I would do licensing deals and see if it was something I was really interested in,’ Kim says on stage.

‘Then when I got tired of not having the full control, with the help of my mom and sisters, I was able to figure out what I really liked, and how to make those goals happen,’ Kim says on stage.

She adds in confession, ‘My whole team at Skky Partners, they had like on their goal list, some companies that they really wanted to buy. Those companies have called us, like we believe Kim understands both sides, and like wanting me on the board and wanting me to be a part of the company. It’s a fascinating process.’

Kim adds on stage that she thinks it’s, ‘so important, if I’m gonna work with a company, to talk to the founder and see what their DNA of their brand is and who they are. I think that’s the only way to be successful,’ as the crowd applauds.

Blazer: She adds in confession, ‘But I cannot be late for the talk, because that’s why I’m here, and thank God my blazer was long, because I had no other options

Control: ‘Then when I got tired of not having the full control, with the help of my mom and sisters, I was able to figure out what I really liked, and how to make those goals happen,’ Kim says on stage

On stage: Rob says on stage that Kim has, ‘always been an entrepreneur since you were a teenager,’ adding her first deals were ‘in a licensing structure’

Partners: She adds in confession, ‘My whole team at Skky Partners, they had like on their goal list, some companies that they really wanted to buy. Those companies have called us, like we believe Kim understands both sides, and like wanting me on the board and wanting me to be a part of the company. It’s a fascinating process’

‘Helping these other brands achieve their goals, I think there’s nothing more exciting and I’m just so happy to be a part of it,’ Kim says in confession, as their talk ends.

After the talk, Tracy Romulus explains, ‘She had the biggest hole in the pants. R.I.P. to the pants.’

Kim changes into sweats and a tank top, waving goodbye to the cameras, stating, ‘Bye guys. Miami, it’s been fun.’

The episode begins with Khloe meeting up with Scott Disick, who is trying to find the right selfie angle to show the ‘stupid shirt’ he’s wearing to a friend.

‘I can’t wait to catch up with Scott. There’s so much responsibilities, so much to do, an ex-boyfriend that’s living with me and it’s a lot, but whenever I’m with Scott I have so much fun and we always have something to gossip about,’ Khloe says in confession.

Khloe looks in Scott’s fridge and says, ‘Why am I always so hungry,’ as Scott asks what she’s looking for but she doesn’t know.

She says Scott is ‘living large’ and Scott says, ‘no pun intended, I’ve gained a lot of weight because of my back.’

Khloe says what will really, ‘tickle my d**k is if I just line this up for a sec,’ as she organizes all of the bottles in Scott’s fridge.

Brands: ‘Helping these other brands achieve their goals, I think there’s nothing more exciting and I’m just so happy to be a part of it,’ Kim says in confession, as their talk ends

Shirt: The episode begins with Khloe meeting up with Scott Disick, who is trying to find the right selfie angle to show the ‘stupid shirt’ he’s wearing to a friend

Gained: She says Scott is ‘living large’ and Scott says, ‘no pun intended, I’ve gained a lot of weight because of my back’

‘Listen, people here live like animals. Can we fire the housekeeper?’ Scott says, as Khloe asks why Scott’s back hurts.

‘Ever since that car accident, it got worse over time,’ Scott tells Khloe, as they show a flashback shot of Scott explaining the crash last season.

Khloe opens a bottle of water and says, ‘Let me promise you something. You have not done physical therapy. That’s not the same. Then you have to do physical therapy. You don’t just get new s**t. When I slipped three disks in my back, Dr. Pat got them back in there. Now I don’t have to do a surgery. Who wants a surgery?’

Scott adds, ‘Not me, but that’s what they keep telling me,’ as Khloe adds in confession, ‘I think Scott maybe needs a little pep talk because this is probably the unhealthiest I’ve seen him. He’s barely mobile and it’s all from his back, so that wouldn’t make anyone feel good.’

Khloe tells Scott as he sits down that he needs an, ‘E-stim,’ adding, ‘Dr. Pat will bring it, it’s made for injuries and treating isolated muscles.’

Scott asks where he would get one and she tells him to ask Dr. Pat or her ex Tristan Thompson, as Scott asks how he is.

‘He’s good, his house getting flooded and all that, it’s fine,’ Khloe says, as Scott is unaware that his house was flooded.

‘That’s why he’s been at my house, the whole ceiling caved in,’ Khloe says, as Scott asks if it’s brought them, ‘closer.’

‘Him and I are great friends, solid friends,’ Khloe says, as Scott asks, ‘You getting that sausage?’

Worse: ‘Ever since that car accident, it got worse over time,’ Scott tells Khloe, as they show a flashback shot of Scott explaining the crash last season

E-stim: Khloe tells Scott as he sits down that he needs an, ‘E-stim,’ adding, ‘Dr. Pat will bring it, it’s made for injuries and treating isolated muscles’

Where: Scott asks where he would get one and she tells him to ask Dr. Pat or her ex Tristan Thompson, as Scott asks how he is

Flooded: ‘He’s good, his house getting flooded and all that, it’s fine,’ Khloe says, as Scott is unaware that his house was flooded

‘Ask him on your own, I don’t care,’ Khloe says, as Scott suggests, ‘Half-asleep, a little side action,’ as Khloe insists, ‘We don’t sleep in the same bed, he has his own room,’ which surprises Scott.

‘Yeah. I’m not… things have…’ Khloe begins, as Scott says, ‘Boundaries,’ and Khloe agrees, as she reiterates, ‘We’re great friends.’

‘Listen, the fact that you guys are able to be close and be with your kids, it’s a great scenario, I’ve been there,’ Scott says.

Khloe adds in confession, ‘I don’t know what five or ten years will bring. If he’s my person, then he’s meant to be my person, but right now, I’m not gonna make my life any harder than it has to be, so yes, I am gonna have as much as a seamless, fantastic, co-parenting relationship as I can.’

Back at Scott’s place, Khloe scoffs and says, ‘You guys are all pieces of work, let me just tell you something,’ as Scott says, ‘You b****es are crazy.’

Khloe retorts that guys are crazy as Scott says, ‘We just wanna be f***ing fed, that’s it,’ before asking if Khloe even has a ‘dating life.’

‘I don’t have the f***ing energy. Once everyone is asleep, I’m just thinking, oh God, I just can’t believe it’s Groundhog’s Day tomorrow,’ Khloe says, referencing the 1993 classic Bill Murray movie where he relives the February holiday over and over and over again.

Khloe says they have to get Scott’s back better, asking if he wants an introduction to Dr. Pat, saying, ‘He’s amazing.’

Don’t care: ‘Ask him on your own, I don’t care,’ Khloe says, as Scott suggests, ‘Half-asleep, a little side action,’ as Khloe insists, ‘We don’t sleep in the same bed, he has his own room,’ which surprises Scott

Great: ‘Listen, the fact that you guys are able to be close and be with your kids, it’s a great scenario, I’ve been there,’ Scott says

Pieces of work: Back at Scott’s place, Khloe scoffs and says, ‘You guys are all pieces of work, let me just tell you something,’ as Scott says, ‘You b****es are crazy’

Introduction: Khloe says they have to get Scott’s back better, asking if he wants an introduction to Dr. Pat, saying, ‘He’s amazing’

Scott responds, ‘Yes, big time, I would love to meet him,’ as the episode transitions to Miami, where Kim has a, ‘full week’ ahead of her.

The episode transitions back to Los Angeles as Kris Jenner welcomes Tristan Thompson, as Kris says she was cleaning up, ‘after a little project we were working on.’

Tristan takes the cloth from her and insists he’ll clean for her, stating, ‘I don’t wanna get your beautiful two-piece dirty. I got this with the long arms and the reach.’

Kris raves, ‘What don’t you do? My mind is going, what else do we need, what else do we need,’ when she thinks of something.

She points to the cupboards above her fridge, asking him to open that, adding, ‘This is perfect.’

Kris adds in confession, ‘Khloe and Tristan definitely have worked out this rhythm,’ as Tristan keeps searching the tall cupboards for whatever Kris needs.

‘Wherever he’s needed, he’s running the kids around, doing the errands, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s really tall,’ Kris insists.

Tristan puts the items away in the cupboards as Kris says, ‘You sure do come in handy,’ before asking him to catch her up.

Big time: Scott responds, ‘Yes, big time, I would love to meet him,’ as the episode transitions to Miami, where Kim has a, ‘full week’ ahead of her

Cleaning: The episode transitions back to Los Angeles as Kris Jenner welcomes Tristan Thompson, as Kris says she was cleaning up, ‘after a little project we were working on’

Tristan cleans: Tristan takes the cloth from her and insists he’ll clean for her, stating, ‘I don’t wanna get your beautiful two-piece dirty. I got this with the long arms and the reach’

Tall: ‘Wherever he’s needed, he’s running the kids around, doing the errands, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s really tall,’ Kris insists

‘Everything’s been great. You know, ESPN, obviously, I appreciate you, helping make this all happen,’ Tristan says.

‘It’s a dream. I mean, the fact that we could have that call on Friday, and they say, ‘Can you start Monday?’ That never happens to anyone,’ Kris insists.

‘Yeah, I’m excited, but you made a couple of calls, ding ding ding, you made it happen. You’re like, ‘My boy wants to do ESPN, let’s make it happen, all right,’ Tristan said.

Kris added in confession, ‘I was able to reach out to ABC/Disney and really express how talented I thought Tristan was, and they would really benefit from him being a part of the ESPN team, for example.’

They show a shot of Tristan on the set discussing the NBA with Richard Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins and Malika Andrews.

Jefferson asks Tristan how many years he played before he missed a game, and he said he played for five years straight, in a discussion about NBA stars taking games off.

Back at Kris’ house, Tristan says he thinks Kris has, ‘mastered’ the ‘art of negotiation,’ and Kris says, ‘When it’s that easy, it’s a lot of fun. It’s so rewarding for me.’

Kris then asks Tristan how the kids are today, adding she saw pictures Khloe sent of him working out with the baby.

Appreciate: ‘Everything’s been great. You know, ESPN, obviously, I appreciate you, helping make this all happen,’ Tristan says

Dream: ‘It’s a dream. I mean, the fact that we could have that call on Friday, and they say, ‘Can you start Monday?’ That never happens to anyone,’ Kris insists

Calls: ‘Yeah, I’m excited, but you made a couple of calls, ding ding ding, you made it happen. You’re like, ‘My boy wants to do ESPN, let’s make it happen, all right,’ Tristan said

On set: They show a shot of Tristan on the set discussing the NBA with Richard Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins and Malika Andrews

Rewarding: Back at Kris’ house, Tristan says he thinks Kris has, ‘mastered’ the ‘art of negotiation,’ and Kris says, ‘When it’s that easy, it’s a lot of fun. It’s so rewarding for me’

They show a video of both Khloe and Tristan working out on a half-ball, with baby Tatum watching them both, with Tristan saying they were doing a, ‘two-step’ on the ball.

Kris adds, ‘I can’t believe Khloe can keep up with you,’ as Tristan insists she is the, ‘best workout partner I’ve ever had.’

‘I have my boys, they’ll be puking on the side, ‘Oh, we gotta keep doing all these sets?’ Khloe, she like, gets right to it, she’s like, ‘give me more,’ Tristan explains.

Kris adds in confession, ‘We know Tristan has made some mistakes. I know he’s really sorry for the way that he hurt Khloe and I’m sure that he regrets those mistakes every single day.’

Back in the kitchen, Tristan says, ‘the kids are growing fast, loving the carpool in the morning, going to school.’

Kris adds in confession, ‘Really the most important thing for everyone right now is raising those kids, and I worry that Khloe, with this change of Tristan moving out, there is going to be a void there.’

Kris tells Tristan that, ‘kids remember all of that stuff,’ adding she gets too, ’emotionally invested, especially in True’s class. There was this one kid who was being so aggressive and I just wanted to say, ‘Listen you little…’ and then I went, ‘No, that’s probably not a good idea. That’s not your child.’ Your grandmother is a bully.’

The episode transitions to Kim, who is going over various looks, including a red dress that is too tight, as Kim says, ‘I love it tight, but I love walking too.’

Best: Kris adds, ‘I can’t believe Khloe can keep up with you,’ as Tristan insists she is the, ‘best workout partner I’ve ever had’

Tristan explains: ‘I have my boys, they’ll be puking on the side, ‘Oh, we gotta keep doing all these sets?’ Khloe, she like, gets right to it, she’s like, ‘give me more,’ Tristan explains

Mistakes: Kris adds in confession, ‘We know Tristan has made some mistakes. I know he’s really sorry for the way that he hurt Khloe and I’m sure that he regrets those mistakes every single day’

Most important: Kris adds in confession, ‘Really the most important thing for everyone right now is raising those kids, and I worry that Khloe, with this change of Tristan moving out, there is going to be a void there’

‘So I’m in a fitting for Dolce & Gabbana. I’m going to a dinner in Milan for the launch. Now the collection is launching. So before it was the show, which announces the collection and you see the runway show, and now, months later, the collection will be available in stores,’ Kim says in confession.

She looks at the red dress in a mirror, adding, ‘I couldn’t wear red when I had blonde hair so this will be really nice.’

She adds in confession that she will get to go to another fashion show, though she admitted the first show took such an ’emotional toll for all of us and now the feelings get brought back up again.’

Nora Flaherty, Dolce & Gabbana’s V.P. of Entertainment Projects, tells Kim that Khloe said she’s coming and she, ‘does very well in Milan.’

Kim adds, ‘She was like, I think I need to come to Milan. She was like, no no no, I just need to get like my vibe back and that was my vibe when I went there. And I was like, OK.’

Nora adds that the, ‘men were after her and I think we just scratched the surface, there’s a lot more work that could be done.’

Kim is in a towel when she gets a call from Khloe, telling her they’re going Milan, adding, ‘Milan is our thing! I think we’re just going to a dinner and the show and that’s it. We’re there for two days.’

Khloe asks if D&G is going to dress her and Kim says, ‘Of course. Nora said we’re gonna work on looks for Khloe.’

Dinner: ‘So I’m in a fitting for Dolce & Gabbana. I’m going to a dinner in Milan for the launch. Now the collection is launching. So before it was the show, which announces the collection and you see the runway show, and now, months later, the collection will be available in stores,’ Kim says in confession

Really nice: She looks at the red dress in a mirror, adding, ‘I couldn’t wear red when I had blonde hair so this will be really nice’

Emotional: She adds in confession that she will get to go to another fashion show, though she admitted the first show took such an ’emotional toll for all of us and now the feelings get brought back up again’

Energy: Kim adds in confession, ‘Khloe has this certain energy about her when she goes to Milan. She’s way more carefree, way more light, and the drama is not around. I think my one thing that I really wish for Khloe is that she would experience life outside of Calabasas’

Towel: Kim is in a towel when she gets a call from Khloe, telling her they’re going Milan, adding, ‘Milan is our thing! I think we’re just going to a dinner and the show and that’s it. We’re there for two days’

Kim adds in confession, ‘Khloe has this certain energy about her when she goes to Milan. She’s way more carefree, way more light, and the drama is not around. I think my one thing that I really wish for Khloe is that she would experience life outside of Calabasas.’

Khloe asks Kim if she is going to invite Kourtney to Milan, as Kim says she asked her but she didn’t want to come.

‘It’s something that obviously really bother with me and I just, I wish I could share these experiences with her,’ Kim says of Kourtney in confession.

The episode transitions to Wally’s, where Khloe meets up with Corey Gamble, who is celebrating his own collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana.

Kris arrives and gives Corey a kiss, telling him she’s so proud of him as they all marvel about the room they’re in.

‘I am so excited for tonight because we love celebrating Corey. Birthdays, holidays, or a date night, you name it. Corey tells stories about when he was young and going to high school that he would steal his dad’s silk shirts out of his closet and wear them to school, because he loved silk. Corey is an amazing entrepreneur. He’s always working on something and he loves fashion. Bringing that together and doing something fabulous for himself makes me really happy,’ Kris says in confession.

Kylie arrives and tells the cameras she missed them while Khloe can’t believe that Kylie actually showed up.

Kylie says in confession, ‘I am excited to be here. I love Corey. He’s just like here for a good time and I’m here for a good time and we, yeah, we bond.’

Wally’s: The episode transitions to Wally’s, where Khloe meets up with Corey Gamble, who is celebrating his own collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana

Kylie and Khloe: Kylie arrives and tells the cameras she missed them while Khloe can’t believe that Kylie actually showed up

Bond: Kylie says in confession, ‘I am excited to be here. I love Corey. He’s just like here for a good time and I’m here for a good time and we, yeah, we bond’

Family friend Malika Haqq tells Kris that Kylie seems happy and ‘brighter,’ as Kylie says, ‘I feel like myself again.’

‘You’re just like a vibe,’ Khloe says, adding in confession, ‘It’s always a fun little treat when I see my little Kyls. It’s her time to thrive and shine and be the little social, glittery butterfly that she is.’

Nora asks Khloe if she’s coming to the show in Milan, as Khloe responds, ‘Possibly,’ adding, ‘How much fun did I have? I was thriving. I think Kim got jealous of me last time. I don’t know if it was Kim’s weekend or my weekend.’

Nora tells Khloe, ‘the gentlemen haven’t been the same,’ while Khloe adds that she ‘thrived for every hour I was there,’ as they show flashbacks to Khloe high-fiving actor Michele Morrone from last season.

‘It was only 48 of them and I thrived,’ Khloe insists, as Nora asks if she made a new best friend as Khloe jokes, ‘I did. I’m in an arranged marriage, I’ve heard.’

Kris adds in confession, ‘I really wish Khloe would go to Milan. She’s so focused on being a great mom and she has so many responsibilities but she needs to get out and about and that’s really the only way she’s going to get out of this funk she’s in.’

Khloe is taking pictures with Corey before telling the photographer that she, ‘wants a booty shot because it just looks so good,’ as even Kris says it looks good in her leopard print bodysuit.

A producer tells Khloe in confession, ‘The world loves your booty,’ as Khloe says, ‘Oh well thank you world.’

Brighter: Family friend Malika Haqq tells Kris that Kylie seems happy and ‘brighter,’ as Kylie says, ‘I feel like myself again’

Vibe: ‘You’re just like a vibe,’ Khloe says, adding in confession, ‘It’s always a fun little treat when I see my little Kyls. It’s her time to thrive and shine and be the little social, glittery butterfly that she is’

Thrived: ‘It was only 48 of them and I thrived,’ Khloe insists, as Nora asks if she made a new best friend as Khloe jokes, ‘I did. I’m in an arranged marriage, I’ve heard’

Kris makes a toast to Corey, stating, ‘We love you, we’re here for you, we’re your ride or dies, forever and ever, and we’re so proud of you and we love silk forever babies!’

Khloe says in confession, ‘I have my family, I have some great pasta, this might be all the Milan vibes that I need.’

Kris says she loves a ‘free party’ as Khloe says, ‘no one wants to eat around people’ as Kris says, ‘No, it’s amazing.’

The episode cuts to Milan where Kim is examining one of her looks, which her stylist Danielle Levi says is, ‘so cute,’ though Kim says she can’t sit in it.

Danielle suggests she wear that at the store, after the show, as Kim says in confession, ‘Getting to Milan, first of all, all the feels come back. All of the memories. Same room, same hotel, it’s just such good vibes.’

‘The first Milan trip was so much crazy pressure for the campaign and now it’s like I get to be here, I get to see the campaign pics up all over the city, go into the stores and see the clothes, sit in the front row and watch, no pressure.’

Kim adds that Khloe decided not to go to Milan because she, ‘still has a lot to deal with at home, but Khloe was my ride-or-die Milan baddie. I need her here, bottom line.’

Kim is on a video call with Saint, who says Tristan took to the Nike store, but when an excited Kim tries to get more details, Saint just says, ‘Bye, I love you,’ and hangs up.

Toast: Kris makes a toast to Corey, stating, ‘We love you, we’re here for you, we’re your ride or dies, forever and ever, and we’re so proud of you and we love silk forever babies!’

Ride or die: Kim adds that Khloe decided not to go to Milan because she, ‘still has a lot to deal with at home, but Khloe was my ride-or-die Milan baddie. I need her here, bottom line.

Bye: Video: Kim is on a video call with Saint, who says Tristan took to the Nike store, but when an excited Kim tries to get more details, Saint just says, ‘Bye, I love you,’ and hangs up

She ‘tries another kid’ and calls North, who shows her mom that she’s burning sage in the house, as North says, ‘Get out of my house’ and sages Kim’s bathtub.

Kim asks if Psalm and Chi are there but North says, ‘Bye I love you’ already as Kim tells her not to make a mess.

Kim adds in confession, ‘I mean, my kids could care less that I’m gone, are having the time of their life and have completely taken over my house like they run it.’

Kim reveals to her team that Kourtney messaged her and, ‘she sent this picture of my dad in college.’

‘So… Kourtney texts me and I feel like it’s a step in the right direction and a step in moving past all of the drama. I want her here.’

Kourtney says in confession, ‘I think we’ve both said things we’re not proud of, but anyone who has sisters or siblings knows the dynamic. You could get into a crazy fight and then you know you could send each other a funny text and everything is all good.’

The episode cuts to the next day in Milan as Kim arrives at the D&G store, stating in confession, ‘I am getting the chance to see my entire collection for the first time in person in stores. I am so excited. So many people came out. It’s such a warm welcome.’

Kim thanks everyone for coming out before heading in to the store, adding in confession, ‘I think this was just like a deeper project for me and I think I’m so much better because of it. I’ve put my all into it and I faced a really big fear and it’s here and in stores and it’s just so cool knowing people like it.’

North: She ‘tries another kid’ and calls North, who shows her mom that she’s burning sage in the house, as North says, ‘Get out of my house’ and sages Kim’s bathtub

Text: ‘So… Kourtney texts me and I feel like it’s a step in the right direction and a step in moving past all of the drama. I want her here’

Both: Kourtney says in confession, ‘I think we’ve both said things we’re not proud of, but anyone who has sisters or siblings knows the dynamic. You could get into a crazy fight and then you know you could send each other a funny text and everything is all good’

Kim arrives: The episode cuts to the next day in Milan as Kim arrives at the D&G store, stating in confession, ‘I am getting the chance to see my entire collection for the first time in person in stores. I am so excited. So many people came out. It’s such a warm welcome’

Kim checks out the clothes in the store before heading out to the balcony to greet and wave to her fans, adding, ‘Come shop with us!’

‘Seeing my vision come to life is just so special, but of course this trip would have been so much better if my sisters were here with me. I just wish we were all here together,’ Kim says in confession, before adding on the balcony, ‘You know, this s**t will never get old, let me just say that.’

The episode goes back to Los Angeles where an SUV comes to pick up Khloe, with Scott Disick in the vehicle.

Khloe asks how his back is doing and he says, ‘it still hurts pretty bad,’ as Khloe says in confession that they are getting Scott’s MRI results back.

‘I think Scott maybe needs to realize these things are fixable. You can’t let it get you down,’ Khloe says in confession.

They head to Sports Rehab LA as Khloe introduces Scott to the aforementioned Dr. Pat, who Scott tells, since the accident, ‘everything has changed in my life. Like I haven’t been able to run around, I’ve gained weight.’

He adds he did a few hours of treatment with a woman in Santa Monica, adding, ‘I’m not into like spiritual healing at all and she was like, just you know microdose some shrooms. This is not for me. It was insanity.’

Dr. Pat says there is, ‘good news and bad news’ with his MRI results, adding, ‘You’re kind of on the cusp of possibly needing surgery. The good news is, you can save it without doing surgery, but you really have to be like locked in,’ as Khloe says, ‘It takes work.’

Come shop: Kim checks out the clothes in the store before heading out to the balcony to greet and wave to her fans, adding, ‘Come shop with us!’

Special: ‘Seeing my vision come to life is just so special, but of course this trip would have been so much better if my sisters were here with me. I just wish we were all here together,’ Kim says in confession, before adding on the balcony, ‘You know, this s**t will never get old, let me just say that’

Src: dailymail.co.uk

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